FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions and Answers)

What does the Lower Saxony service portal include?

The lower Saxony service portal contains information on administrative services, so-called service descriptions, which explain how you can use them. In addition to the administrative services, you will also find the local authorities responsible for this - in addition to contact details, contact addresses and forms. The service is geared to the concerns of citizens and business enterprises.

Why do I need to specify a location?

A service or concern depends on a local authority. In order to be able to determine these, the service portal Lower Saxony needs a place.

What is a concern?

Concerns are a case of need. In a particular situation, you need an “official“ permit, a communication or information. That is your concern.

What are benefits?

Benefits are administrative services provided by public authorities, such as the granting of a permit or authorisation, receipt of a notification, notification and the like.
If you search for a service and find appropriate entries, you can call the management performance description.
The service description:
  • explains the administrative procedure

  • shows legal references on

  • specify deadlines and fees

  • names the competent authorities

  • displays the appropriate forms,

  • names additional documents that you may need to submit your application.

What are responsible authorities?

The responsible authority that can/should provide you with a particular service and is actually legally responsible for it.

Why I can't find a responsible authority for my request?

The relevant authority (commune, state authority, federal authority) is probably not yet connected to the service and the data are therefore not available. In this case, a direct search via a search engine such as .B. Google helps further, since municipalities, state authorities and federal authorities have their own websites and the chance is therefore great that one can also find suitable contacts via a search query, to which one can turn.

Why I can't find an administrative service for my search term?

The searched service description may be included in the system under other terms. Try other terms.
If you can't find anything, you can ask for information via the contact form: landesredaktion@niedersachsen.de. Briefly describe your concern. Please understand that the editorial team can only assist you in finding relevant authorities. It cannot carry out an application procedure for you or pass on your message.

Why is there no application form for some service descriptions?

This can have different causes:

The service includes a large number of forms, but application forms are not yet available through the service for all management services. Most forms are for services aimed at trades and crafts. In this case, please contact the responsible authority directly by e-mail and ask for the required form.

Forms can vary from municipality to municipality depending on the administrative service, so editors of the competent authorities assign the forms to the descriptions. However, the local authorities' editorial offices may not yet have made a form assignment.

In this case, please contact the responsible authority directly by e-mail and ask for the required form.

Many administrative services do not require a formal application. This should be inferred from the description. In this case, an informal cover letter is sufficient as an application.

I haven't found anything because my request is a bit complicated. Can I also handle my request via the contact form of the Citizens and Business Service?

The citizens' and business services are a pure information system. Direct processing is only possible with competent authorities. However, you can contact the coordination via the following e-mail address. The latter will appoint you the responsible body: landesredaktion@niedersachsen.de

Can I also handle administrative procedures via the service?

This service can only be used in some areas of administrative procedures if electronic applications already exist.

Can I submit petitions or complaints via the service via the contact form?

Information on the coordination of the citizens' and business services can only be provided through the relevant authorities. Direct processing of procedures is not possible. Nor can legal aid be granted.

I found a content error, how can I report it?

Please simply report the error: landesredaktion@niedersachsen.de

Does the European Services Directive support the business sector?

The aim of the European Services Directive is to simplify services and the establishment of company branches across national borders.
The aim is to implement the objectives of the Directive by introducing streamlined authorisation procedures and administrative simplification by means of electronic procedures. With the help of the Single Contact Persons, you will find your way through the authorities.
The Directive provides that all procedures and formalities relating to the commencement or pursuit of a service activity can be carried out remotely and electronically without any problems. To ensure this, you can use the company assistant to provide you with appropriate search functions. You can search for your activity or service - for example restaurant or bakery, and find listed all administrative services that you might need specifically for the activity/service.

How does the Lower Saxony Service Portal support me with my company?

You can use the search help in the enterprise assistant to have bundles of services filtered by business situation: setting up businesses, running companies and having companies close individually as part of the European Services Directive.
It also supports you if you already have your registered office in Other Europe and would like to operate in Germany with a branch office.
Click the Enterprise Assistant navigation point entrepeneurs assistant and first enter the location where you want to focus.

What sectors and professions does the European Services Directive cover?

The Directive applies to a wide range of activities, whether they are provided to businesses or consumers.

Examples include:

  • Legal and tax consultants, architects, engineers, accountants, surveyors

  • Business-related services (such as i.e. maintenance of offices, management consulting, organisation of events, recovery of claims, advertising and recruitment agencies)

  • Trade (including retail and wholesale of goods and services)

  • Tourism and leisure services (i.e. travel agencies, hotels, restaurants, catering services, sports centres and amusement parks)

  • Services in the construction industry, craftsmen, installation and maintenance of equipment

  • Information services (such as i.e. web design and programming, news agencies, publishing and computer programming)

  • Education and training services

  • Rental (including rental of vehicles) and leasing services, real estate services

  • Certification and testing activities

Who is a service provider?

Service provider is who carries on an independent activity. The activity must be carried out for remuneration, that is to say, it must be of an economic nature.
Service providers can be freelancers, sole proprietors or companies that operate as a limited liability company, AG or another corporation.

Services of the portal at a glance

The Lower Saxony Administration Portal supports you in the planning, structuring and implementation of your project:
  • Execution of a project

    You can put your projects online remotely. For the respective service description with the responsible body, you will find the call of the online service.

  • Procurement of documents

    All necessary forms and documents are provided to you, time-consuming administrative procedures are avoided.

  • Communication

    You can contact the relevant authorities and your point of contact.

    When you contact the Single Contact, the Unit will guide you through the procedures.

Is my data secure?

Your data will be protected against loss as well as against misuse by third parties.
Personal data is only collected within the scope of registration and electronic application and stored in a specially secured system.
The personal data will only be forwarded to the relevant authorities for processing via the forms during the application process.

What service do the Single Contact Persons offer?

Single contact persons provide you with information about the respective administrative procedures. On request, they will accompany your project and forward all documents to the relevant authorities.
The Single Contact Persons are also available for electronic application. You can use the local contact person for you or the country's unified contact person. Contact: ea@mw.niedersachsen.de

How do I find my responsible point of contact?

Enter the location of your project, e.B. the place where you want to open a shop. The portal assigns you the right contact person: point of single contact
If you have not yet decided on a specific place to relocate and are unsure which municipality to contact, please contact the Unified Contact Person of the State of Lower Saxony.